One Year Mark.. First Passenger!
Today marks 1 year since my intro flight with Tyson at Goose Creek… so of course I had to go somewhere if at all possible.. and lucky for me it was. I did my first X-Country flight in about 6 months.. and carried my first non-pilot passenger… and it was even her first time on a small plane. We took the Archer and did a quick trip out to Pinehurst… aka Moore County KSOP. This was the site of my first solo X-C and it’s a nice easy flight… just about due east of 28A and less than an hour in the air. There was no wind today.. very hazy and no horizon.. visibility was only about 5 miles.. with some cloud layers at 5k’. The people at SOP are always nice… we got out and walked around a little.. checked out the FBO before heading back.
The experience of carrying my first real passenger was interesting… I would compare it almost to the way I felt during the checkride… but for different reasons. I found myself making mistakes I don’t usually make.. thinking of something three steps ahead and forgetting to do something right in front of me. It was nothing dangerous… just little things… like forgetting to turn on the landing light even though I was running the prelanding checklist. I know I’ll get more comfortable with this over time… So who’s next to go up?